Thursday 27 November 2014

Under the economy sinks

The proportion of young people in recharge api the total number benefits is reduced by percent, but that also means that the pain elderly increases, find work more difficult and it takes up cheaper youngsters. Housing critical The cork deeper. In early there were.

A million households with their own home. When recharge api more than one million, so almost a quarter, the value of this property at that time, lower than the fiscal boosted mortgage debt. The proportion of households with a house with lower value nearly online recharge benefits doubled from percent to percent.

At nearly six in ten private dwellings flooded, the owner is younger than years. This group has its own home often purchased in the period immediately before house prices fall went and has only a small part of repaid the mortgage debt. At the households with recharge api a breadwinner between and years is that even three quarter.

Under, the proportion including value less than percent. In cases where the value of the private property is less than the tax mortgage, it comes to average an amount of thousand Euro. At young households have their own home not only the most frequently among water, on average, they have also the highest value basis.

Beginning, the average value under a home-owner between and years, almost a thousand Euro. At plus households it was only about a thousand recharge api Euro. Everyone knows that the housing market is less promising than five years ago, but what exactly is going purchases sell and walk, albeit more slowly and less than normal, even continues.

The reduced demand causes a decline in the demand rates, in the upper segment sometimes dramatically and also the shrinkage regions have pain. Meanwhile, rise in average house prices a small bit, especially at the bottom and in the major cities. This may mean that the nadir has been, or that the recharge api trough is soon reached.

A number online recharge benefits of experts such as the Director of the Dutch Central Bank and the Director of CPB. Think that prices in rise again, but talk to own parish. The Cabinet decisions will possibly provide additional buyers in the market, last year there was a sprint rents continue sharply to.

Rise and the rules for the mortgage interest deduction are obvious. That stimulates inflation, but also purchase, the group of that. More rent to pay, can in many cases for comparable monthly a better house in online recharge benefits a better neighbourhood buy.

House prices, inflation, pensions, everything depends together and whether consumers than money left for G, Cloud services new magnet than the demand. Only a quarter of European organizations already have a business case developed for big data.



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