Monday 1 December 2014

Artificial intelligence

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Tuned circuit, electrical circuitry, which can be set to a desired frequency. AGC Automatic Gain Control. Automatic gain control. Method by which the gain of a circuit controlled by the online recharge discount input voltage or recharge api some other parameter. Signal strength can vary, for example.

Because of the high and low pressure. AI Artificial Intelligence. AIM, Advanced Interactive Multimedia. Multimedia services such as recharge api email and internet.

AIR, Automatic Image Refinement. Method, developed by Canon, for better edge sharpness in laser printers by use of minor points where there is no room for the solution common point size. Accumulator battery. Device for storage of electrical energy. Consist of individual cells each with a positive and a negative electrode online recharge discount between which is an electrolyte.

Yields DC and can be recharged. Acronym, name or description, which is formed by joining the initial letters. The aim is usually to have formed a word that is easy to remember. Active device, component, which can only operate by supplying power. Typically, an amplifier.

Active speaker, speaker with one or more built-in power amplifiers and usually electronic crossover. Requires only a line signal from a control amplifier, for example. In a television. The doctrine of sound generation and diffusion. The room influence on the type of the perceived loudness. Room Acoustics.

Acoustic coupling, connecting a terminal to a data network via a telephone connection using. A modem sd, which changes the terminal's electrical signals into sound signals, in turn, be changed into electrical signals which are recharge api transmitted. Feedback, buzzer or whining noise that occurs when, for example. A microphone is too close to the speakers. Degrade the sound quality and a risk of destruction of the speakers.

ALC, Automatic recharge api Level Control end. Automatic level control. See also AGC Automatic Gain Control and AVC, Automatic Volume Control. Altonin percent. Goals for speech intelligibility in a room.

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The errors can also appear as jagged edges and flashing lines. Raster scan aliasing. Alkaline battery, battery type with great energy and power capacity. Alpha channel recharge api reserved bytes in a 32-bit colour system. The system allocates 8 bits which corresponds to a byte, respectively. Red, green and blue. The fourth byte is reserved alpha channel.

Graphics and video applications can use alpha channel to define masks ranging from black through 254 shades of Gray to white. AM Amplitude Modulation. The transfer of information recharge api via variation of an amplitude.


Dealt with Charles Babbage

ADA,1 programming language, named after the world's first programmer, Add Augusta of Lovelace 1815-52, Lord Byron's daughter, who constructs. C. Babbage, 1792-1871. ADA was in complete version in 1980. The language online recharge offers is developed by the US Department of Defence. Analogue distributions recharge api amplifier.

A device that receives one signal and distributes to multiple outputs without these are interdependent. Adapter eng. Assimilation or transitional stages. Electrical or mechanical transition stages. An AC adapter can power a small device, and a plug adapter can build bridges between different connector types, for example.

On the TV and video equipment. ADC end. Analogue to Digital Converter. Circuit that converts an analogue signal into online recharge offers a digital. Add-a-track, end.

Add a recharge api track. ADD, Analog-Digital-Digital. Designation of a CD recorded analogue, edited digitally and recorded digitally. Additive colour mixing, Colour Mixing with coloured light. If the colours red, green and blue RGB.

Adjustment, eng. Adjustment. Adonis, name on a computer system, which is being developed by a consortium of major European scientific publishers, in order to store and deliver documents in full text. ADP Automatic Data Processing. Automatic data processing.

ADR, Automatic Dialogue Replacement. A technique for replacing a dialogue of the video or film during post-processing. The manual process is often called 'looping'. ADSL, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. Technology that can be used to expand the capacity of a standard telephone line.

Receiving data at 512 kbit/ sec and transmitter with 128 kbit/ sec. Uses the existing telephone network and each subscriber has his own line to the telephone exchange. ADT, Automatic Double Tracking. Effect where a signal is mixed with itself, time delayed a few milliseconds. Echo Effect.

AEG-core, the centre core on which tape is wound. A core of this design and size is also called CCIR-core or European core. Aerial, end. Also, used to describe socket for recharge api external antenna.

AES/ EBU, Audio Engineering Society/ European Broadcasting Union. Standardisation Organisations. International Association for audio professionals. AF Audio Frequency, oscillations with,a5505858.html frequencies in the audible range. Low-frequency acoustic signals.

Deflection, one electron beam steering in a tube. A TV works with electromagnetic deflection that require special deflection on the bulb neck. A deflection yoke, see deflection. AFC, Automatic Frequency Control that recharge api locks example. A tuner to a fixed frequency, so that a small variation in frequency does not affect the reception.

Variation in the frequency can be, inter Asia, occur with temperature changes. AFC making it unnecessary to fine tune a tuner or channel selector. AFD, Acoustic Field Dimension. Acoustic area dimension. Designation by controls on certain 4-channel amplifiers with which one can vary the sound image distribution in the listening room.

The attenuation of the signal that can be measured recharge api between the input and output. The attenuation expressed in dB. Distributor, distributor which can be pushed into an aerial cable to 'branching' part of the signal, for example. To recharge api a subscriber. It also used in core network for distributing signals to the subnet.

Delousing, a programmer term for troubleshooting and orientation. AFM, Audio-FM. Designation of the recorder frequency modulated audio track. Demagnetization, whole or partial removal of an online recharge offers substance such as magnetism. The Heads and the cathode.


Splitter be installed in the attic

Subscriber splitter distributes the antenna to which the subscriber is connected via the service line. In the detached area, the local distributor typically arranged in an antenna pole located in the gap at the kerb. In multi-storey buildings, the subscriber basement or such. Stairwell. ABR, Auxiliary Bass Radiator, radiator.

At low frequencies increased membrane area using. Passive without voice coil and magnet bass unit. Can improve deep bass and/ or make it stronger. Absolute tape speed in the VHS format is 23.39 mm/ s SP and 11.70 mm/ s LP. See also relative tape speed.

Absolute phase inverse to the phase inversion. A positive pulse that is applied, for example. An amplifier or loudspeaker. Also, results in a positive pulse at the output, or the loudspeaker diaphragm moves outward. Absorption1 A sound wave attenuation either by hitting a surface or pass through a medium. The expression of aspiration as opposed to reflection.

Property of materials, objects or media to absorb different types of energy. Absorption coefficient recharge api the fraction or. In % of the incident sound energy absorbed by a surface with a given material at a given frequency or frequency range and, under the specified conditions. Abstract recharge api a summary of a document's free recharge online content, German.

Coil plate for audio running of the coil. AC, end. Alternating Current. Alternating current as recharge api opposed to DC, Direct Current, DC. The term AC voltage used in the antenna of the alternating voltage 24-48 V, which operates the amplifiers in the distribution network.

AC can be supplied through coaxial cables, thus fewer connections to the grid are necessary. AC outlet, eng. AC outlet. Especially in free recharge online the socket on the back of apparatus to which other devices can be connected. AC adapter, transformer camera and tape machine.

Inverter 220 volts alternating current, for example. 12 volts DC. ACATS, Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Systems USA AC/ DC, AC/ DC. Access time, access time. The time taken for a computer to pull up recharge api data from a storage device.

Accounting, end accounting. Internally statistical system of a computer. Here collected information about the operation billing and settlement.

Audio, where the base recharge api is acetate. Was free recharge online used at the beginning of the production of audio tapes. Break easily. Achromatic, completely untainted white light. ACTE Approvals Committee for Terminal Equipment.

A Community Committee has the task of deciding recharge api what types of telecommunications equipment to be prepared and adopted common European technical regulations for. It is the so-called Cars, Common Technical Regulations. Rectilinear, circuit, introduced by Lindberg.

Where a special buffer stage power amplifier separates the record amplifier from the playback head, whereby power to the playback head optimized. Activation key, computer formerly known as serial number, often 12-digit alphanumeric collection of characters recharge api that are used to open a free recharge online newly purchased program. Actuator end drive system, for example. For control of a satellite dish.


Frame rate from the normal

100 Hz oscillates in a technology which is used by doubling of a TV's 50 Hz to 100 Hz. Because the human eye can barely perceive 50 Hz flickers, can result by 100 Hz become a recharge api visible image calmer than usual.

100 Hz technology is based on digital conversion online free recharge of the analogue video signals and a temporary storage in a fast computer memory so that each line can be repeated twice.

100Hz technology can be used in any television, but the effect is most evident on larger screens that are considered closely. 16:9 ratio of screen width and height in modern television systems wide. The format better suited to the eye's natural field of view and makes it possible to watch wide-screen films without black bars at the top and bottom of the screen.

16:9 format converters switching can be used in all television, and it is to some extent possible to compensate for the cropping of the images, some broadcasters make before transmission of films. 3G telephony third generation mobile telephony. 4:3 ratio of width and height of an image on a TV screen.

This format recharge api was technically achievable in the TV's childhood in the 50s. However, it is bad for wide screen cinema and is expected to eventually be replaced by 16:9 wide mode. An Ampere.

The unit of current. A filter see A-weighting. A-weighting by acoustic and electrical noise measurements carried out A-weighting by switching on a so-called A-filter IECA, whereby the sound meter will have a frequency response that resembles the human ear, typically lower.

A/ B roll End. Technique used by electronic methods. Allows for an effective transition between two recharge api player machines by recording on recorder machine.

A/ D Analogue/ Digital. A/ D converter circuit which converts analogue signals online free recharge into numerical values discrete binary bits that represent a digital mathematical model of the original signal. Ex used recharge api by digital audio recording with CD and tape.

A/ V audio/ visual-more rarely audio/ video. A2 stereo two-channel sound system used in West German television. Will hardly be more widespread.

Along with disseminated two separate audio channels. Thus, there is not a true stereo system, but it allows you to online free recharge send out two different languages simultaneously, allowing the user to choose between the original language or the German translation. See also NICAM.

AAD Designation of a CD recorded analogue, edited analogue and recharge api recorded digitally. Using two separate microphones A and B, located at a certain distance from each other, wherein the A and B signals representing the information for the left and right online free recharge channels.

ABEND, abnormal END. Designation of a computer drive brought to a premature end as a result of program errors or operator intervention.
