Saturday, 10 January 2015

Application Program Interface

Map Supply is an on-line spatial data warehouse, which gives a well-defined and simple access to the current and latest updated version of KMS short and spatial data. Map Supply is an API which is accessed via the Internet, which offers a variety of well described services.

IT developers producing Internet based solutions to recharge api specific end-users or groups of end users. Short supply means that IT developer can use short and spatial data from KMS as an integral part of an end user solution in an Internet browser http client.

A developer can include one or more cards;7gnp4oh0c0npw306aki work in a solution, just as befits the given application, task and customer. Short supply is initially targeted solutions aimed at the public recharge api administration, major private companies and concessionary companies, in primarily to user groups who already uses National Survey and data and products.

With Map Supply wish Survey and to accommodate the many requests from different clients and private partners to access recharge api our short and spatial data via the Internet through an open and standardized interface.

Map Supply is based on International Standards. Version1 of Map Supply thus support OpenGIS Consortium OGC standard for Web Map Services WMS version 1.0.0. Inter Asia TOP10DK and the digital cad astral map.

Other short works based on raster data raster are available in recharge api an approximate API based on WMS. Short supply is characterized by being nationwide in both large and small aspect ratio while offering its own getups of different cards work. There is, for example, choose between a wide range of themes in TOP10DK whereby exactly the most suitable map material for a given situation can be put together.

The cad astral theme for Copenhagen and not available. In addition to various short work offers Short supply a range of services that make application development easier while enabling the use of addresses, place names, cad astral numbers' mm. for the users of the applications as being established.

It also offers a service in which you can transform data between different types of Danish projections UTM_EUREF89. What are the benefits of using Map supply recharge hand warmers short supply means that smaller institutions, municipalities and companies can offer all case workers and citizens.

IT solutions with a geographical dimension in the form of a map as recharge api a basis for the companies or municipalities own information. The card can be well and feel offered without investing large resources in data storage, hardware, software or special knowledge.

The various cards work offered in Short Supply in a ready letup based on the latest information, as National Survey. The user does not have to think about updates individual short work will always be as up to date as the specifications of Health them. Ordinarily, the updates must be based recharge hand warmers on quarterly updates.

Short supply may be included in applications on the Internet or in your own Intranet where the card can recharge api be used as the basis for their own data or data collected from other services available over the Internet, for recharge hand warmers example, The Public Information Server.



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